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Community Support

Community Support

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)
A United Way & AmeriCorps*VISTA program

The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally, $50,000 and below) people. 

Community Health Choices
-- 1 (800) 824-3655

Lebanon Transit

Lebanon Transit registration (for seniors 65 and older) can be made at the Lebanon Transit office, 200 Willow St., Lebanon. Please bring an acceptable proof of age such as : a driver’s license, birth certificate, baptismal certificate, veteran’s universal access identification card, resident alien card, armed forces discharge/separation form, PACE identification card, passport/naturalization papers, PA photo ID card, statement of age from Social Security. For further information, please contact the Lebanon Transit office at 717-274-3664.

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

CUE calendar for Health and Wellness events in Lebanon County
This calendar is part of a much larger project courtesy of the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce. CUE will help you get connected to the services and programs in your community that matter to you. There are many ways to join CUE, sign up for our email below, follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, or check out the community calendar.  You can click on the categories filter to see many more events, or visit the community calendar at https://www.lebanonvalleycalendar.com/.